Travelers Against Plastic Campaign

Contes Asia Travel supports TAP Travelers Against Plastic – a United States based non-profit organization. TAP aims to educate travelers on the importance of using reusable water containers instead of buying and using plastic bottles. It is better for the traveler, the people they visit and for the planet.

CLEAN WATER Drinking tap water in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka might make you sick. It is often contaminated by microscopic critters that can cause diarrhea, abdominal cramps or worse. So most travelers now buy bottled water, which has huge environmental impact as well as being expensive and possibly unhealthy.

At Contes Asia we follow the guidlines and instruction provided by TAP, We request you to clean your own water and use your own reusable water container. We identify hotels and operators that can refill your bottle, as well as those that provide water in glass bottles.

Why we should do that?

To avoid creating a trail of plastic water bottles everywhere you go

 To ensure the safety and supply of your water

To save money and time

It is too much trouble, can I just buy a bottle of water?

No, It is not much of a trouble, it is very simple and try to be the change if you want to help the planet to remain clean.

It is a simple process as you can carry a re-useable container and a method to clean the local water in case you need to use the local tap water. There are many bottles you can choose from.




There are also many ways to clean your water:

Many hotels offer kettles in your room where you can boil the water first.

  • Potable aqua tablets are easy and cheap and available in all sporting and travel stores. They take about 30 minutes to clean the water.
  • There are many pumps you can choose from such as First Need which work great.
  • Use SteriPEN- a small lightweight device that cleans the water with ultra-violet light. That way you can fill your water bottle from any tap, in any city in the world, and clean your water right there. One SteriPEN cleans 8,000 bottles of water bringing the cost of a bottle of clean water to about .007 USD cents. One charge of the battery will last for a 10-14 day trip. The technology is proven and safe.
  • For more information ask your guide or tour leader, they will be delighted to support you in this case. You can also go visit You might consider signing the pledge not to use plastic water bottles while traveling. And then be the change you want to see in the world. After pledging, TAP will send you a discount code to get 20% off your own SteriPEN.